Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
339 lines
* Tone calibration helper program for the TAPR TNC1
* Written by Marc Kaufman, WB6ECE
* March 1987
* How to use this program:
* Load it using the TNCBUG boot loader.
* Set the TNC jumpers as follows -
* Remove JP1 (use it for JP2 or JP3)
* Install JP2 - for measurement of FSK output tones
* or Install JP3 - for measurement of receive center tone
* Type 'G' to start program.
* The program will continuously print out changing tone values,
* directly in Hz. Adjust the appropriate pot
* R38 - low tone
* R36 - high tone
* R43 - receiver center
* Typing 'T' will toggle between low and high tones (low is first)
* Typing 'K' will key and un-key the transmit line.
* This is for adjusting muting of the FSK output (R31)
* and audio level (R33)
* Typing <carriage-return> will return to TNCBUG
* Modification for Fast TNC
* This program is defaulted for the Slow 6809.
* To reassemble for the Fast 6809, set the equate below to:
* fast equ 1
* If you don't want to do that, just divide the displayed values by 2.
fast equ 0 default is slow
* Hardware addresses
acia equ $2010 6551 UART
acchar equ acia
acstat equ acia+1
accmnd equ acia+2
acctrl equ acia+3
pia equ $2020 6520 parallel output
pra equ pia register A
pcra equ pia+1 control A
prb equ pia+2 register B
pcrb equ pia+3 control B
via equ $2040 6522 timer chip
vorb equ via output register B
vira equ via+1 input register A
vora equ via+15 output register A, no handshake
vddrb equ via+2 data direction register B
vddra equ via+3 data direction register A
vtim1cl equ via+4 low byte of timer 1 counter
vtim1ch equ via+5 high byte of timer 1 counter
vtim1ll equ via+6 low byte of timer 1 latch
vtim1lh equ via+7 high byte of timer 1 latch
vtim2l equ via+8 low byte of timer 2
vtim2h equ via+9 high byte of timer 2
vsr equ via+10 shift register
vacr equ via+11 auxiliary control register
vpcr equ via+12 peripheral control register
vifr equ via+13 interrupt flag register
vier equ via+14 interrupt enable register
timrc1 equ vtim1cl both bytes of timer 1 counter
timer2 equ vtim2l both bytes of timer2
* NOTE: this chip inverts Addresses and Data!!!
hdlc equ $2800 WD 1933 HDLC chip
hcr1 equ hdlc+7 control register 1
hcr2 equ hdlc+6 control register 2
hcr3 equ hdlc+5 control register 3
hrhr equ hdlc+4 receive holding register
hthr equ hdlc+3 transmit holding register
hir equ hdlc+3 interrupt register
hsr equ hdlc+2 status register
ram equ $0000 bank 0 ram ($0000 - $1fff)
ram1 equ $4000 bank 1 ram ($4000 - $5fff)
rom equ $e000 top rom ($e000 - $ffff)
CR equ $0d carriage return
LF equ $0a line feed
org ram data starts in low ram
* interrupt re-vector area: parallel to fff0-ffff
igo fdb calib 0000 - program start point
iswi3 rmb 2 0002
iswi2 rmb 2 0004
ifirq rmb 2 0006
iirq fdb ctime 0008
iswi rmb 2 000a
inmi rmb 2 000c - last vector used
ireset rmb 2 full reset
stack equ $ff my stack is above debug stack
org $100 local data starts at direct page 1
svint fcb 0
svchr fcb 0
dcount fcb 0 divide loop counter
quot fdb 0,0 32 bit dividend / quotient
div fdb 0 16 bit divisor (delta)
addr fdb 0 output value
oldval fdb 0 previous timer value
delta fdb 0 delta timer value
flag fcb 0 flag from interrupt that delta set
oldtone fcb $ce vpcr flag (ca2 = 1, cb2 = 0))
oldkey fcb $ff key output (misc 0 bit)
calib lda #1 dp page 1
tfr A,DP
lds #stack set up program stack
lda #$0b make sure acia doesn't interrupt
sta accmnd
lda <oldkey
sta hcr1 set initial hdlc mode
lda #$f0
sta vora
sta vddra
lda #$3f
sta vorb
sta vddrb make sure pb6 and pb7 are inputs
lda <oldtone
sta vpcr
lda #$20 00 1 000 0 0 = timer modes
sta vacr
lda #$7f
sta vier disable all interrupts
lda #$80+$20 timer2 interrupt bit
sta vier enable interrupt
ldx #$ffff
stx timrc1 initialize timer 1 free run
ldx #$0100 = count of 1 because of flipped order
stx timer2 restart interrupt and count
cli enable 6809 interrupts
clr <flag wait for count
bsr test check acia, wait for flag
clr <flag
mon bsr test wait for flag
ldd <delta
std <div +delta, divisor
lsra delta/2 for rounding
std <quot+2
ldd #$01c2 (32 * 921600 Hz) / (32 * delta)
std <quot
lda #17
sta <dcount divide takes 17 iterations
div32 ldd <quot
subd <div
bcs .l1 overshoot, ignore subtraction
std <quot
.l1 tfr CC,A complement carry bit
eora #1
tfr A,CC
lda #4 set for shift
ldx #quot+4
shft ldb 0,-x
stb 0,x
bne shft loop through 4 bytes
dec <dcount main iteration loop
bne div32
ldx <quot+2 result
cmpx <addr previous result
beq mon no change
stx <addr new value
jsr echoa print it
bra mon
* interrupt routine
ctime lda hir clear possible hdlc interrupt
lda vifr save interrupt flag value
sta <svint
bpl ctimex no interrupt
ldd timrc1 timer 1 counter value
bne .l2 correct value on 8 bit overflow
.l2 exg A,B put in hi-low order
tfr D,X save value
ldd <oldval get 'old' old value
stx <oldval save 'new' old value
subd <oldval delta-t
std <delta
inc <flag
ldx #$1f00-fast*$1000 = count of 32 (slow) or 16 (fast)
stx timer2 restart interrupt and count
ctimex rti return
* test - wait for flag, and answer acia commands
test ldb acstat
bitb #$08
beq .l3 no character
jsr arcv get character
cmpb #'K'
beq key
cmpb #'T'
beq tone
cmpb #CR
bne .l3 ignore all others
lda #$ff turn off any keying
sta hcr1
swi return to debug
.l3 tst <flag
beq test no flag, continue to wait
rts exit on flag
key lda <oldkey toggle keying flag
eor a #1
sta <oldkey
sta hcr1
bra .l3
tone lda <oldtone
eora #$20 toggle tone bit (cb2)
sta <oldtone
sta vpcr
bra .l3
* ASEND - send one character to acia (busy wait)
* enter - character in A
asend ldb acstat
bitb #$10
beq asend wait for previous character to clear
sta acchar send this one
* ACRLF - print cr,lf
acrlf lda #CR cr
bsr asend
lda #LF lf
bra asend
* OUT2H - put out hex digit (2 output bytes)
* entry - address of byte in X
out2h lda 0,x+
out2ha sta <svchr
bsr outhl output left digit
lda <svchr
bra outrl output right digit
outhl lsra output left hex digit
outrl anda #$f output right hex digit
adda #'0'
cmpa #'9'
bls asend 0-9
adda #'A'-'9'-1
bra asend A-F
out4hs bsr out2h output 2 bytes plus space
out2hs bsr out2h output 1 byte plus space
outs lda #' '
bra asend
out8hs bsr o4h output 4 bytes separated by spaces
o4h bsr out2hs
bra out2hs
echoa ldd <addr print decimal value
ldx #dectab table of decimal powers
echol ldy 0,X examine entry
beq echod done (zero)
clr <svchr
echoi subd 0,X
bmi echoj overflow
inc <svchr count
bra echoi
echoj addd 0,X++ restore and point to next
tfr D,Y save value
lda <svchr
adda #'0' convert count to digit
bsr asend
tfr Y,D
bra echol
echod bra acrlf print cr-lf after
dectab fdb 1000
fdb 100
fdb 10
fdb 1
fdb 0
* ARCV - wait for and read one character from acia
* exit - character in A (8 bits)
* character in B (masked to 7 bits and upper case)
arcv ldb acstat
bitb #$08
beq arcv wait for character to arrive
lda acchar
andb #$7f
cmpb #'a'
blt .arcvx not alphabetic
cmpb #'z'
bgt .arcvx
subb #'a'-'A' convert to upper case
.arcvx rts